Back 2 School Style: Are You Prepared for Next Season?
Were you one of those who dreaded the first day of a new school year? Or did the thought of freshly sharpened pencils, blank notebooks and a new pair of shoes fill you with anticipation and excitement? I think throughout the years I was a mixture of both. This mindset held me in good stead for when I later became a teacher – my first job after leaving school. I am extremely excited this year because I will be completing the next round of the 100 Day Goal Challenge, and in addition I will be launching my new course (sign up here to be the first to hear more about its launch). And of course, let’s not forget that a new season brings with it new fashion, the autumn Fashion Weeks, and a second chance to start a fresh if we haven’t kept to our New Year Resolutions.
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Back 2 School Essentials for the Office
SHOP THE EDIT: Get Top Marks for Style with these Back 2 School Staples
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